Bursaries & Scholarships
Wimbledon High School is part of the largest group of independent girls’ schools in the UK, the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST).
As a charity, the GDST aims to seek out the brightest, most deserving girls for bursaries and scholarships so that the largest possible number of talented girls can benefit from a GDST education.
Bursaries are means-tested, with eligibility calculated by the GDST. More information on that process can be found here. Scholarships are awarded on merit, irrespective of financial means.

Bursaries – available for Year 7 and Year 12 entry
Bursaries provide financial assistance to cover school fees. The amount varies according to family circumstances; they can be worth up to 100% of fees, which effectively becomes 110% when additional help is added to cover uniform costs, lunches, travel, trips and other possible expenses.

Scholarships – available for Year 7 and Year 12 entry
Offers for Year 7 are made based upon performance in the entrance examinations or audition, or in the case of Sixth Form scholarships, for outstanding ability demonstrated in individual subjects and disciplines. A scholarship may be combined with a bursary where there is financial need.
Year 7 Scholarships
We offer a number of Academic Scholarships at 11+. No separate application is necessary – they are awarded based on performance in our 11+ assessments. These can be worth up to 20% of fees but are usually 5 – 10%.
For keen and able musicians we offer 11+ Music Scholarships; for those with an aptitude for drama, 11+ Drama Scholarships and for candidates with an aptitude for sport, 11+ Sports Scholarships. A separate application must be made for these scholarships by the registration deadline.
Details can be found in our Senior School Admissions guide.
Sixth Form Scholarships
We offer a number of General Academic Scholarships at Sixth Form. No separate application is necessary – they are awarded based on performance in our 16+ assessments and predicted GCSE Grades. These can be worth up to 20% of fees but are usually 5 – 10%.
We also have Sixth Form Scholarships available for Art, Drama, Sport and Music. Please see the information below for full details if you are interested in applying for a scholarship.
Applying for a Scholarship
If you would like to apply for one of our scholarships you will need to register your daughter for the appropriate entry point first and this will require you to set up a login to our Admissions+ platform. Please make sure you make a note of the email address and password for future use. From our Admissions Platform, you will then be to complete the relevant scholarship application form from your daughter’s checklist. Once your login is set up follow the link on any of our admissions pages to log back into your account.
Scholarships and bursaries may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Head, in the event of unsatisfactory work or conduct. This action will only occur as the culmination of a process of communication and guidance between the school and home.