
Open Days and Visits

Reception pupils playing with a robot

Junior School Open Events

Our next Junior School Open Morning will take place on Wednesday 19 March 2025

This event will be of interest to parents who are considering registering, or have registered, their daughter for Reception (4+) entry in September 2026 or beyond.

Please note: As you will be touring the school during school hours, this event will be best suited to adult family members only (babes in arms are welcome). Our Saturday Open Day in the Autumn Term provides an option which would be more engaging for young children.

 We look forward to welcoming you to Wimbledon High Junior School!

Senior School Open Events

We hold tours and our main Saturday open day in the autumn term every year.

These dates have now passed; we will post subsequent dates and details here in due course.

Four Sixth Form students in class. One student is holding up a small whiteboard with a graph drawn on it

Sixth Form Open Events

We held our main sixth form open evening in school in September. If you are interested in applying for 2025 entry into Year 12 but have yet to visit, please be in touch with us at

Our Open Events offer the best opportunity to visit our Junior and Senior Schools, find out more about us and our ethos and meet members of our community. We typically offer our first 4+ and 11+ tours in the early summer term (allowing for public examinations), with our main open events in the autumn every year.

We hope you can appreciate that as a busy school, we are unable to offer individual tours outside of our scheduled open events.

If you have any queries about Juniors, Seniors or Sixth Form in the meantime, please contact: Junior Admissions or Senior Admissions – we are happy to help.

Explore our Interactive Tour

Explore our school using the Interactive Tour. As you look around, there are hotspots for you to click on to read further information about life at Wimbledon High.

Please note that this tour is intended to give a glimpse into some of the spaces that we have at school and so does not feature every facility.

For the best experience, please view the tour on a desktop computer.