Co-curricular: Arcadia
Clubs play a crucial role in fostering the skills, creativity, and personal growth that contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals. In addition to the vast array of Music, Drama and Sports activities, there are clubs from coding to rocket-making, from chess to embroidery and much in-between.

Building skills
Clubs play a crucial role in fostering the skills, creativity, and personal growth that contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals. In addition to the vast array of Music, Drama and Sports activities, there are clubs from coding to rocket-making, from chess to embroidery and much in-between.

Enjoying new challenges
Clubs provide pupils with opportunities to explore new interests, build friendships, and develop important life skills such as teamwork, leadership and perseverance. They take place before, during, or after school hours. Our teachers and external club providers are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment where every girl can find something she loves.

Trips and visits
Pupils can take part in different trips and visits throughout their time at school. From enjoying outdoor activities in the sunshine (and wind and rain!) on residential trips, to watching theatre productions and visiting museums, we offer enriching experiences for every year group.