GROW: Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is at the heart of everything we do, as happy pupils learn best, but we all know that dealing with bumps in the road is part of life, even from a young age. Our GROW pastoral focus ensures each individual girl is given the space to flourish, known by her teachers and peers as the unique person she is, and as a valued member of our community.

This is me
We use our This is Me characters to articulate the range of dispositions and skills that we are looking to nurture in the children in our care. These range from fostering courage and self-belief to adaptability and resilience, with an emphasis on inclusion and respecting the fact that while we form one community, we are all individuals with varying needs, likes and learning styles within that community. Our Learning Support coordinator works with girls to reinforce this.
The Wimbledon Way is a set of 5 steps aimed at assisting girls in handling various scenarios and encouraging a reflective mindset: Give Yourself Space; Get Ready to Listen; Share your Feelings; Say How You Feel; Find a Way to Move On.

Giving our pupils the opportunity to get involved in the wider community – reading to residents at a care home, partnering with children from other local schools, collecting for charity by organising fundraising activities – all this helps give our girls purpose and a sense of fulfilment. As does getting out onto the Common for our Wild Girls learning sessions!