A display of archive material with old photos and an old school hat
Alumnae - 22/11/2024

The Birthday Reunion 2024

Our 144th Birthday was celebrated with our wider community of alumnae and former staff on Saturday 16 November at our annual Birthday Reunion, with a wonderful turn out in particular from the anniversary years- 1984 and 1994. We were particularly delighted to welcome back alumae who had travelled from Canada and Paris, as well as all corners of the UK. They were joined by several former staff, including former Head of Prep, Mrs Enid Thornton-Smith. Our Y12 tourguides – Pola, Genevieve, Cecily, Roxie and Rose – did a wonderful job of bringing the old parts of the school back to life and learned a few new facts about school life from their guests along the way! Head Fionnuala Kennedy gave a heartwarming welcome and the school song – performed with great gusto- was followed by a delicious buffet lunch in the Auditorium.

The Birthday Reunion 2024

1952 Whole School photo
1965 Whole School photo
1983 Whole School Photo
1992 Whole School photo
A written quote about the Birthday Reunion