Pastoral Care
One-to-one Tutoring
In Sixth our GROW pastoral focus is on developing the whole person. We know that healthy, supported and happy students thrive when they are informed and educated about key issues and have the space to get to know themselves, the time to pursue interests and activities.
You will have regular one-to-ones with your tutor, who can give advice on all sorts of matters, from managing your time to exploring options for life after school.
Positive Psychology
Alongside your lessons, independent studies and your co-curricular pursuits, you will have time in your day for rest and calm. Whether in the common room, garden quad or Cafe Sixth, there is space for you to catch up with friends, read a book or listen to music.
Our PSHE wellbeing programme uses a positive psychology approach, with a focus on learning the skills to live a healthy life. Students explore their core strengths, and examine how caring for their mind, body, and soul, caring for others and caring for the world around them will help them to thrive.
Leadership Opportunities
Finding your voice and having the opportunity to lead is central to the Wimbledon High School sixth form experience. Stepping Up is all about giving our sixth formers the chance to challenge themselves – whether that is being a mentor volunteer with SHINE, our Serious Fun on Saturdays initiative for local children, helping in our local partnership programmes, writing for our student blog, Unconquered Peaks, or tackling the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.
Our Student Leadership Team comprises academid, pastoral and co-curricular leadership positions. The team is led by our Head Girl and meets regularly with the Head of Sixth and Assistant Head Pastoral and Inclusion to steer the annual strategy and plan events.