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WHS Lifers

WHS Lifers
Whole School Sixth Form

Getting emotional thinking of the end your senior school career, girls? Spare a thought for this wonderful crew, who leave WHS after 14 whole years!

These impressive young women, who started in Reception, are wonderful ambassadors for our through-school, which has taken these 'lifers' 7 years through Juniors and 7 through Seniors and Sixth Form.

There were tales and reminiscences from the assembled bunch (all wearing pink as part of a whole week of themed dress to mark the end of lessons and the upcoming start of study leave for A levels) and evidence aplenty of strong and lasting friendships. You're not quite striding out yet, Year 13, but you're on your way!

WHS Year 13

WHS Year 13

WHS Year 13

WHS Year 13

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WHS Lifers