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Masterchef returns to WHS, but which house rustled up the best dish?!

Masterchef returns to WHS, but which house rustled up the best dish?!
Senior Events

Thursday's annual House Masterchef competition produced some stunning culinary masterpieces.

With standards higher than ever before (from competitors in Years 7 and 8), every house captain and judge was impressed. Dishes were conjured up, such as Scott's winning paella and lemon drizzle cake, making the evening a real treat. Results as follows...

Joint 3rd place 

Havaani & Georgia - Arnold
 Allegra & Elsa - Scott

Joint 2nd place

Martha & Emily - Arnold
Charlotte & Georgi - Hastings

1st Place 

Luna & Jade - Scott

Many congratulations to Scott and very well done to all competitors! Our judges from Holroyd Howe had a tough job in crowning a winning house!

Claudia - House Captain


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Masterchef returns to WHS, but which house rustled up the best dish?!