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Y10 GROW Day

Y10 GROW Day
Senior Pastoral

On Wednesday 26 January, the Year 10 students took part in GROW Day as part of our pastoral programme. 

To kick off the day, students had a hearty year group breakfast in the dining hall, while working together to answer their quiz sheets before swiftly heading over to the Senior Hall to hear from Ms Kennedy. For their year group theme, they explored altruism and the ways acts of kindness can benefit us all. To stick with the topic, students were joined by an inspiring guest speaker Jasmine, from Depaul UK - a charity that focus on the issue of youth homelessness. Jasmine led the interactive session with short activities and sharing thought-provoking short clips of individuals talking about their different experiences of homelessness. 

Read more about Pastoral Care at WHS



Jasmine DePaul

WHS Y10 Pastoral

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Y10 GROW Day