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Tangy Morgan visits from the Bank of England

Tangy Morgan visits from the Bank of England
Senior Sixth Form

On Thursday, Tangy Morgan, Senior Advisor to the Bank of England, named as one of the 100 most influential Black people living in the UK, provided our Sixth Form with an amusing and inspiring insight into her forty-year career.

It has been a career which, while not the original journey she had planned for herself at the age of 17, has provided her with opportunities beyond her initial expectations.

Having graduated with a B.A. in Business Management from Tennessee State University, and disappointed not to have been offered a position at Coca-Cola on graduating (her dream job), Tangy took an unexpected opportunity in the petroleum industry as the first and only woman at Conoco (as it was then known), lived seven days at a time on an oil platform in the US Gulf of Mexico. Here, she gained a thorough understanding of the business before becoming an underwriter. Spending the next 35 years in the insurance and reinsurance business, Tangy has worked for some of the largest companies in the industry, ultimately ending her career at the underwriter of all underwriters - Lloyd’s.

So how did she end up at the Bank of England? Networking, she said. Tangy described real networking as spending time with people, really investing in them and building relationships in-person, making her skills known within the finance services industry, which led to her being approached by an existing Bank of England board member.

Tangy’s key takeaways for our Sixth Form were that it’s okay not to have a plan or to deviate from the one you had set for yourself aged 17/18, to be open to unexpected opportunities that may come your way and not to be afraid to take calculated risks. Most of all, don’t let being the ‘only person in a room’ limit your expectations or capabilities and network. Some great advice there for us all!

Dr Sharma, Head of Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Employability 

Tangy Morgan


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Tangy Morgan visits from the Bank of England