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Arkwright Scholar Lauren

Arkwright Scholar Lauren
Senior Sixth Form

A few months ago, Lauren H (Year 12) was awarded an Arkwright Engineering Scholarship, a nationally-recognised prestigious scholarship designed to inspire students through personal development, networking, and valuable hands-on work experience and more. 

Recently, as part of the Arkwright Scholarship Programme, Lauren was admitted as an apprentice to The Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers. This livery company supports scientific and technical education. She attended a black-tie dinner at their livery hall, Glaziers Hall, in London, meeting the Master of the Livery company and other apprentices and liverymen that are well-established in the engineering sector. 

Lauren is now a member of WCSIM for the next 4 -5 years and has already been invited back for the Education Trust dinner in March. Such scholarships are always highly competitive to win, and we are so proud of Lauren for pursuing her interest in science and technology. Lauren presented at our TEDx event last year and in Arkwright, she follows in the footsteps of previous WHS students over the years, for example 3 alumnae from the Class of 2020 are currently studying Engineering and Product Design at UK universities...

Lauren TEDx Event

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Arkwright Scholar Lauren