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Meeting the US Ambassador

Meeting the US Ambassador

To mark International Day of the Girl in October, keen politics students from Wimbledon High School joined peers from sister school Streatham & Clapham and their partner school La Retraite in a special visit to the US Embassy in London.

"Only your dreams are your limitation - aim high" was the message from Jane Hartley, US Ambassador to the Court of St James's, who also talked about the soft skills of diplomacy - the importance of connection and understanding different cultures when it comes to negotiating, and how diversity of opinion within an organisation is a strength.

After the chance for the group, including sixth formers Georgia, Lucy, Anna and Isabel, to pose some tough and insightful questions to the ambassador (with some diplomatic replies in evidence when it came to politics!), everyone enjoyed a tour of the embassy building. They found it to be a hub of some 1200 workers with an impressive array of artwork and facilities on the banks of the Thames. 

Thank you to the US Embassy team for the invitation and for the generous amount of time you gave to us all.

WHS Speak Up

WHS Speak Up

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