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Year 9 German trip to Munich

Year 9 German trip to Munich
Senior Languages

On Friday 1st December, ten Year 9 students travelled to Munich, the capital of Bavaria in the south of Germany, for three days...

It was freezing but luckily it didn’t rain or snow. We stayed in a hotel called ‘Haus International’, and it was close to the city centre. We visited the Deutsches museum by taking the U-Bahn and met our pen-pals there! In the museum, we spent two hours looking at various exhibits; German history, Science, Energy, etc. We ate lunch at a typical Bavarian restaurant with our pen-pals (I recommend getting ‘Wurst’ or ‘Wiener Schnitzel’!)

Afterwards, we all headed off to the Christmas market in Marienplatz. I bought a splendid magnet and some sweets for my friends. We also went to a medieval Christmas market which was the most unique thing that I saw on the trip. There were notebooks with ancient patterns and some Shakespearean masks. I got a sausage for my friend and I which was gorgeous! I also enjoyed having 'Mandeln', which are sugar-covered almonds. Overall, it was a fascinating trip which we all very much enjoyed and I would love to go there again.

By Stephanie C, Year 9 German student

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Year 9 German trip to Munich