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Year 7 get inspired at The Science Museum

Year 7 get inspired at The Science Museum
Senior Math

On Tuesday 20th February, Year 7 set off to the Science Museum for a day wonder...

The girls focused their time in: Wonderlab: Statoil Gallery and The Winton Gallery where they learnt about maths in a completely new light...
They had a chance to get hands on with over 50 mind-blowing experiments/ demonstrations and explored how maths and science play a significant part in everyday life.They experienced lightning right before their eyes, explosions, had a go on giant slides and solved a range of mind boggling challenges.
After the Wonderlab, they moved on to the Winton Gallery where they read about some of the most influential mathematicians in history, with objects on show ranging from intriguing hand-held mathematical instruments to a 1929 experimental aircraft and the first ever lottery machine! The design of the room represents airflow around the Handley Page aircraft suspended at its centre and was driven by equations of airflow used in the aviation industry, which are still an important area of mathematical research.
The girls loved every minute and were engaged and enthusiastic throughout the day, eager to participate in all of the interactive activities! 


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Year 7 get inspired at The Science Museum