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Y10 GROW Day

Y10 GROW Day
Senior Pastoral

On Wednesday this week, Year 10 enjoyed being off timetable for their Grow Day. It was an inspiring day where we were thrilled to welcome campaigner Jessica Kleczka as our keynote speaker.

Jessica is a climate activist, psychologist and writer and spoke to Year 10 about her work in a really relevant way. Following this speech and a Q&A, the students moved into three carousel sessions:

  • a follow up workshop led by Jessica
  • researching the most pressing issues facing various countries and developing targeted polices
  • Leadership skills and how to effect meaningful change as a leader

Jess - Insta WHS

Across the morning students also had the opportunity for a 1-1 pastoral check-in with their tutor, reviewing how Year 10 is going so far for them personally.

In the afternoon, form groups gathered to consider the community action strand of Project Ever Green and how they could be activists within out school community moving forwards. Each form group presented their ideas to the rest of the year group in the Auditorium. We look forward to following up on their presentations and creating tangible action plans next half-term.

Mrs Jessica Salt, Head of Year 10


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Y10 GROW Day