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Y1 Reunite with Granard Primary

Y1 Reunite with Granard Primary
Junior Partnerships

Last week, Year 1 ventured off to Wimbledon Common for the 'Out of the Classroom and Into the Woods' partnerships morning with Granard Primary School. 

There were screams of excitement when they saw each other again, as they were still in Reception when they met for the very first time back in May (read here)

Walking in twos, they head deeper into the woods before resting with snacks and listening to Mrs Brierly reading a story called 'Seeds of Change' by Jen Cullterton Johnson - a inspiring book about a girl growing up and learning to love the land, plants and animals around her. They were then mixed up and split into groups to go on a nature hunt, spotting different types of trees, leaves, and seeds, while observing their special features and getting their parent helpers to note them down. They had fun playing together, making art out of nature, and playing a hiding game which they especially enjoyed last time! 

Watch highlights of the morning:



Y1 Wild Girls

Y1 Out of the classroom and into the woods

Y1 Out of the Classroom and into the Woods

Y1 Out of the classroom and into the woods

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Y1 Reunite with Granard Primary