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Activities Week

Activities Week
Senior Co-Curricular

The first day of Activities Week began with the arrival of a McLaren supercar...

And was followed by a jam packed week of events, trips and lots of fun for students across the Senior School.

More detail on the different activities for each year group at https://whs.fireflycloud.net/activities-week.

Thank you to all the students for embracing the week whole heartedly and to all the staff who helped make it happen!

Reflections on the week from a couple of Y12 students below:

"I thoroughly enjoyed activities week as it allowed me to have downtime outside the A-level curriculum, especially post-exams. Having a week with no homework, interacting with your entire year group (not just your core friendship group) and generally “thinking outside the box” was so much more valuable than I imagined. My favourite day was the Year 12 trip to Brighton – that was particularly relaxing, and all my friends and I enjoyed the idea of not actually having to sit down in a classroom. I also really loved the Intellectual Curiosity Day as it stimulated my thoughts and ideas around International Relations, which I wouldn’t necessarily have the chance to explore in lessons. The discussion element of the session was so engaging as everyone contributed and was a free space to share opinions and views."

Shreya G Y12

"During activities week it was our pleasure to have the opportunity to volunteer at a partnership school. It was a tremendous experience gifting us a newfound confidence in teaching and helping younger years. In the following days we were allowed to plan a charter day. This gave us the creative ideas to brainstorm how to improve the charter making it more visible throughout the school. Activities week was a fabulous time with lots of laughs and built our foundation skills."

Maya T Y9

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