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Adventum: Behind the Books

Adventum: Behind the Books
Junior School English

“35% of a pupil's learning time is spent reading – how do we make the most of this?”


On Thursday 15th June, we welcomed parents from the Upper Junior School to a presentation and discussion on the Junior School approach to English and the central place that reading takes within the Adventum Curriculum.

In presentations from Lizzy Jenkins, Assistant Head Academic and Innovation and James Porter, Head of Upper Junior School English, parents were given an insight into the thinking behind our English curriculum and texts, how these are chosen specifically to challenge our girls and to provide a rich context for enquiry-led learning, and how the breadth and scope of the texts chosen allows our girls to explore diverse culture, geography and perspectives, exposing our girls to a wide variety of voices and contexts.

Parents were able to browse through the Upper Junior School texts, meet some of the English teaching team and meet our librarian, Miss Sharp, to learn more about the important role that books take in guiding our curriculum and supporting pastoral development.


- Mr. Porter


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Adventum: Behind the Books