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Clever Clogs Conference Highlights

Clever Clogs Conference Highlights
Senior Sixth Form

The Clever Clogs Conference at WHS, devised by our Head Girls Team (during one wet and rainy afternoon) could not have been more of a success...

"This aim is, we think, one of the things that makes our school so special. Cleverness can come in many forms, and not all of them are ones we can hand out house points for, but we think that finding joy in knowledge and learning is something that really makes Wimbledonians -- staff and girls alike -- tick. Clever Clogs Conference tries to capture the buzz and excitement of learning new things in one big day devoted entirely to pushing the boundaries of our interests and skills. 

We’ve had a huge amount of fun in bringing our light bulb moment (sparked during a rainy Student Leadership strategy weekend in Wales last summer) to life. We can only hope that it’s a day full of light bulb moments of your own." Priyanka, Mariam and Phoebe (Head Girls Team 2016-2017)

Well, we can safely say that the day was filled with endless 'lightbulb' moments...

The day began with an inspirational talk by Baroness Alison Wolf CBE and followed on with 'The Big Think' - sessions in mixed groups of girls from years 7-13, responding in any way they wanted to the quirky questions posed. The winning Big Think response was performed as an end of day finale by the Head Girls Team and our very own Head, Jane Lunnon! Certainly a moment we will all treasure...

The afternoon consisted of Symposia (or as we call it here at WHS, Wimposia) on a variety of different topics (both on and off of the curriculum)...from 'Investigating Heart Rate in Daphnia' to 'A Brief Introduction to the Irish Language...' plus many more...

The final task of the day consisted of introductory sessions to Coding and Computer Programming which took place across the whole school. Certainly a task to keep minds fresh and awake before Dr Emily Grossman wrapped up the day with an intriguing talk that investigated things such as the science behind urinating!

The day enabled the girls to explore their intellectual minds and discover new topics that they may not normally be exposed to. 

Have a peek at our Clever Clogs highlights video to give you a real insight of what the girls got up to...

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Clever Clogs Conference Highlights