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Year 1 Bee-keeper visit

Year 1 Bee-keeper visit
Junior Year 01

On Wednesday 7th February, Year 1 had a visit from a local bee keeper. 

There was great excitement as Mr Chapman-Dawe, father of girls in 1M and 4F, arrived with his bee keeping equipment. The girls learnt a lot about bees and asked a lot of really good and thoughtful questions.  They were totally enthralled by the subject and interested in the equipment he needed to look after his four hives. All the girls saw a bee keeping suit and Hope modelled it beautifully.  A huge thank you to Mr Chapman-Dawe for being willing to come and for answering all of the girls’ questions.  We all, the teachers included, learnt a lot.

Miss Iona Millar and Mrs Deanne Goode

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Year 1 Bee-keeper visit