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Virtual Open Days

Virtual Open Days
Open Days

We are delighted to announce that our Virtual Open Days are now available to book.

Visiting Wimbledon High School is truly the best way to gain a sense of the energy, passion and fun that makes our School such a special place. Whilst a virtual open day certainly can’t replicate coming to see us in person, it will provide an excellent opportunity for you to virtually 'meet' and hear from our Junior or Senior School Heads and other key staff, and to ask any questions that you may have about the school or the admissions process.

We will be holding Junior and Senior School Virtual Open Days for those interested in entry at Reception and Year 7 respectively. Please see below for the available dates and visit our Open Day page to book your place.

Junior School Virtual Open Day for 4+ (Reception) 2021 admissions:

·         Tuesday 23 June, 9.30am

Senior School Virtual Open Day for 11+ (Year 7) 2021 admissions:

·         Monday 15 June, 2.00pm

·         Tuesday 23 June, 4.30pm

·         Wednesday 24 June, 10.00am

·         Wednesday 01 July, 12.00pm

We look forward to welcoming you virtually very soon!

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