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Novel Research at WHS

Novel Research at WHS

As part of our drive to foster independent research skills and encourage inter-disciplinary learning at Wimbledon High School, our sixth formers have the opportunity to embark on novel research with professional scientists and data scientists across Europe.

Novel research is something that we most often associate with postgraduate studies – work that is contributing towards a DPhil, perhaps. Yet through some fascinating links to ‘real life’ scientists in the field, students at Wimbledon High School have the opportunity to delve deep into big data, to investigate a thesis and eventually publish their research. You can see an example in this video, and in the Big Data section below.



Under the expert guidance of our Dr Clare Roper, our Director of Science, Technology and Engineering, students may opt to crunch and analyse data sets on a topic of their choosing. Identifying trends, backing up their findings and presenting them in a professional academic format, with all the appropriate references, the students learn invaluable skills. Our links to real life science are broad and span various ages of student. Currently, we have these exciting projects underway:

· Using AlphaFold (machine learning protein folding algorithm) to predict the function of proteins involved in meiosis
· Exploring the impact of AlphaFold on the output from protein scientists
· Investigating the outcome of tie-breaks in elite male and female tennis matches
· Exploring the migratory patterns and the influence of global warming on a population of reindeer in Canada
· Comparing the potential of solar and hydroelectric power in Nepal

Recent projects:

Big Data Group

Bioinformatics Club

Twinkl Orbyts

Racket research

Sixth form biology: Darwin Tree of Life Project