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Year 5 Theatre Trips

Year 5 Theatre Trips
Junior Trips

Last Thursday, Year 5 enjoyed a day of drama opportunities.  

Most of the year group journeyed into the wild at the Polka Theatre, Wimbledon. We were lucky enough to see ‘The Lost Spells’, adapted from the bestselling book by writer Robert Macfarlane and artist Jackie Morris. The play told the story of a girl with no name who finds a magical book of spells that conjure up the wild world. As she journeyed on a fantastical adventure, Year 5 leant about how she found herself as well as celebrating the power and wonder of nature. One of the highlights was definitely the music, which was played live on stage by extraordinary actor-musicians. They were not only able to dance and sing, but also play the drums, double bass, cello, banjo, oboe and clarinet!

Thursday 4th May also saw a small group of Year 5 girls attend the GDST's Young Shakespearean Day at the Globe Theatre.  Having enjoyed a tour of the theatre and the chance to stand on the famous stage, the girls were treated to a sword-fighting demonstration.  They were fascinated to discover that there were different levels of sword in the 16th century - the rapier would have been the Ferrari, the great sword akin to a tank and the 'cut and thrust' could be thought of as the Ford Fiesta!  Workshops on Shakespeare with a particular focus on the female characters in his plays provided a rare opportunity for pupils across a number of GDST schools to work collaboratively together and the visit ended with a fabulous re-telling of Hamlet in the Sam Wanamaker Theatre with plenty of opportunities for audience participation.  

Mrs Chittenden 

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Year 5 Theatre Trips