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Launching Pride Month

Launching Pride Month
Senior Senior School

We launched PRIDE Month at this week's whole school assembly - it is an important part of the Wimbledon High School calendar and something we are proud to mark.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Rep on the Student Leadership Team, Alice B, reminded us of the importance of celebrating our differences: "PRIDE is an appreciation of individualism, diversity and self-affirmation, as well as increased visibility of our LGBTQ+ community."

Alice talked powerfully about so-called 'rainbow-washing' - for our students and staff, this is about much more than simply changing a logo or branding short term. "Pride is about communities coming together in celebration, protest, unity and solidarity, as well as, of course, rainbows and parades. Use this time to learn about yourself, validate yourself and appreciate each other," added Alice. So we can look forward to a number of rainbow-coloured events, while reflecting on the true meaning of the month.

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Launching Pride Month