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Electives - learning new skills in Years 11 and 13

Electives - learning new skills in Years 11 and 13

Fancy picking up a new skill or just pondering some of life's meatier questions with your peers?

Wimbledon High's elective programme for Years 11 and 13, designed to fill the gap after GCSE and A level courses end, has provided a great range of options for students these past weeks. From Russian culture to Sondheim, Ecopoetics to Bike maintenance, University lifehacks to Sociolinguistics, there has been something for everyone - and that's before we mention the GDST online Limitless Learning fortnight that has been running in parallel. Feedback from students and staff has been excellent - who doesn't like to learn something completely different?

All best to our students in Years 11 and 13 as lessons come to an end. It was lovely to see Year 11 celebrate the end of GCSEs at Nursery Road and we look forward to our Year 13 Striding Out events in a couple of weeks' time. 

WHS Electives - bikes

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Electives - learning new skills in Years 11 and 13