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Women Of the World ‘think in’ session

Women Of the World ‘think in’ session
Senior Senior School

Last Friday, two Year 13 students had the amazing opportunity of attending the Women Of the World ‘think in’ session.

Deputy Head Girl, Emily R, writes: "The inspiring atmosphere of the event was complemented by its venue: the Canadian Embassy. After briefly mingling with the twenty or so equality activists in attendance, the High Commissioner of Canada delivered a speech on gender equality, reflecting upon the promise of welcoming an organisation like WOW into Canada House. Though WOW’s founder, Jude Kelly, wasn’t able to make it, Domino Pateman (director of festivals and programmes) introduced us newcomers to what WOW ‘think ins’ entail. She explained that our aim was to be as ambitious as possible, creating ideas for WOW’s annual festival. To give context, in previous years, the WOW festival has welcomed activists including Malala, Bernadine Evaristo, Laura Bates and Angela Davis.

"We then split off into our tables to discuss thoughts for the 2023 festival. Our conversations were as insightful as they were invigorating. The table Elena and I were sat on consisted of 3 other amazing women: Janet Fyle, Archna Sharma and a WOW representative. Janet is an MBE and has a wealth of experience, particularly with her role as policy advisor to the Royal College of Midwives. Archna Sharma’s experience ranges from Wall Street, to the NHS, to even founding her own publishing company: Neem Tree Press. Elena and I were awestruck by the people sat next to us, but even more so upon listening to other people introducing themselves when we fed-back ideas. The topics covered included – but were not limited to – menstrual health (and the sub-par education provided around periods), involving men in the quest for equality, mental health and if ‘gender equality’ is in fact an outdated term in 21st century society. The 16 days of Activism against gender based violence began that Friday, which gave a particular focus to domestic abuse awareness and sexual violence.

"Despite being the youngest – and perhaps least qualified – in the room, both of us felt utterly immersed in the conversation; we were part of something aspirational and exciting.

"We hope that our school community will continue to adopt the inclusive and determined approach demonstrated by the leaders we met last Friday."

By Emily R, Year 13, Deputy Head Girl 


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Women Of the World ‘think in’ session