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Ever Green - our new eco blog

Ever Green - our new eco blog
Senior Environment

Members of our eco committee have been working behind the scenes over the past 18 months, looking into ways to improve the sustainability of our school and wider community.

"We recognise our contributions to climate change and environmental damage, and have decided to rise to the challenge to create a better future, now. We understand that this involves addressing sustainability in all its dimensions: social, environmental and economic. We see ourselves growing into a movement for change, which we would like the whole school community to feel a part of. By working together, we will be able to make an impact, and see an impact that is meaningful and motivating for ourselves and for those we can inspire with our message and our achievements." 

For articles on environmental issues (should we bring woolly mammoths back from the dead?), tips on greenfingered activism and much more, head to the blog here.


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Ever Green - our new eco blog