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Year 12 trading

Year 12 trading
Senior Economics

On Thursday 9th March, Economics students from Year 12 travelled to St Paul’s School to take part in a trading game, alongside a number of other schools. We were divided into small teams of 6, each member being from a different school, and we had to work together to acquire as much money as we could in the time given.  

Each group was assigned one of three sections: mining, manufacturing or banking. As a mining group, my team was able to buy the metal from the desk and try to sell it, whilst the manufacturers could buy the metal from us or sell it to the desk on the other end of the room, and the bankers could buy from us or even offer loans. Having to negotiate, communicate and rely on your teammates was exhilarating as we had to learn to adapt to any changes, as each round some news would be displayed which could affect one stage of the process. 

It was a fun way to learn more about the trading process and who/what is involved in each stage whilst simultaneously furthering communication skills and meeting lots of new people. 

Jennifer G, Year 12

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Year 12 trading