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Alumnae Birthday Reunion

Alumnae Birthday Reunion
Whole School Alumnae

Over 100 alumnae and former staff came together at school on Saturday 12 November to celebrate the school’s birthday in style! It was a truly intergenerational affair, with an age range from 24 through to 98 years old, as well as two ‘Old Boys’ who attended the Prep School in the 1950s and long-serving former members of staff such as the former Head of Prep Enid Thornton Smith, former Deputy Head Janet Mitchell, Rachel Adams and Roz Johnson. 

It was a wonderfully lively occasion, with many memories shared, stories told and spirited singing of the school song around the piano in Senior Hall. Everyone enjoyed touring the school and its new additions to the site and browsing through the display of photos and memorabilia from the school archives before a buffet lunch. We had positive comments from guests, many of whom came back to school for the first time:

Thank you for a really wonderful afternoon yesterday.  The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, the conversations were wide-ranging and fascinating and the occasion was one to remember.

I had not been back to the school since picking up my A-level results in 1995 so it was great to come back and see how the school has developed and reminisce about the parts which have not! It was so wonderful to reconnect with people I had not seen for 27 years, both friends from school and former teachers.”

Thank you to all those who made it a special day, in particular to our volunteer archivist, Kelly Jones, our Sixth Form tour guides and the catering team. The warmth of feeling, positive feedback and strong connections of those who attended emphasise just how special a place WHS is!

We are looking forward to our next event, the Class of 2017/2018 Reunion on 27 April 2023. Hope to see you there! 
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Photos below: 

Flickr album: Alumnae Birthday Reunion 2022 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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