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Elizabeth Day Talk

Elizabeth Day Talk
Senior Events

We were so delighted to welcome award-winning journalist, author and broadcaster Elizabeth Day for a very special ‘In Conversation’ event on 2nd March.

Elizabeth is also the creator and host of the chart-topping podcast, How to Fail, which celebrates the things in life that haven’t gone right. Our Year 12 GROW day in January was focussed on the concept of Failure – how we perceive failure and why we should not fear it - and so we were thrilled to be able to explore the subject further with Elizabeth and ask her advice on dealing with failure as a teenager and in life after school.

Our two Year 12 interviewers, Phoebe and Shreya, were brilliant and asked some searching and important questions which prompted some excellent discussion. It was an inspiring and uplifting event, much enjoyed by students, staff and parents and it was good to hear Elizabeth mention Wimbledon High’s own Failure Week which hit the headlines back in 2012, when few people were talking openly about the lessons we can all learn from failure.

Mrs Hattie Franklin
Head of Year 12

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Elizabeth Day Talk