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Ski trip fun

Ski trip fun
Senior School

End of term. Snow. Lots of snow. Skis, Friends old and new. A recipe for a whole load of fun!

We flew to Montreal, Canada. Our flight was delayed, but our transfer on the other end was only 90 minutes. We got straight to our rooms, and crashed out. Jet lag helped us get up early for a great breakfast, followed by picking up our ski gear and heading up the mountain with our instructors.

We skied in what felt like a blizzard, but all the time creating deeper snow for us to make tracks in. We had lots of free time after 5 hours of skiing each day (with a lunchbreak up the mountain of course!). We browsed the collection of shops throughout the week, found coffee shops and ice cream parlours.

My best evening activity was, surprisingly, hurtling down yet another steep slope in a plastic ring. Quiz night and pizza night came close though. So, no broken bones, despite our best efforts on either a snowtubing or ski slope. 

Thank you to Mrs Frost and all the staff for making this year’s Ski Trip a real WOW!

Miranda J, Year 8

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Ski trip fun