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AI Day

AI Day
Senior School

On Tuesday 14th, Year 8 were off timetable for the first of our two "AI Days".

The aim for the day was to wire up and code Arduino project boards, making dataloggers to record light levels, temperature, and data in classrooms around the school. Students loved getting hands on with our 4 construction challenges, developing their teamwork and problem-solving skills. As well as practical tasks, the students listened to talks about teamwork (Ms Hasan), AI and interdisciplinary learning (Mrs Evans) and the importance of reducing energy consumption in the fight against climate change (Miss Page).

The dataloggers will be placed around school and will harvest data about our classrooms and public spaces. Year 8 will return to this project in June, when they will use Python to analyse the data collected alongside the school smart meter data. Following their analysis they will present to us their practical solutions for saving energy in the school.

Teachers were really impressed by the students' determination, resilience and teamwork during the day and we can't wait to see what they come back with in June.

Mr Richardson, Computer Science 

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AI Day