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Professional pianist and WHS chamber ensembles perform

Professional pianist and WHS chamber ensembles perform

We have enjoyed two musical performances this week... On Monday night we welcomed international pianist Anna-Maria Stanczyk to give a solo recital - the first professional recital in our new auditorium.

It was such a privilege to see up-close such mastery, artistry and storytelling - inspirational for the students who watched (and queued for an autograph afterwards!).

On Tuesday evening, a selection of our chamber ensembles took their turn on the same stage. From string quartets to wind groups, Jazz Ensemble to Djembe Group and more besides, it was wonderful to see the quality of their ensemble playing in a close focus setting. Seeing them play with such confidence without the on-stage leadership of a conductor is always mightily impressive.

Dr Parsons, Senior Tutor

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Professional pianist and WHS chamber ensembles perform