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Skills for our tech age - tips from Google UK's Director of Strategy

Skills for our tech age - tips from Google UK's Director of Strategy
Whole School STEAM

Starting his talk with a show of hands as to how many networked devices audience members had on them, Craig Fenton, Director of Strategy and Operations at Google UK, had a clear message about how the world has changed and the amazing opportunities that are opening up as a consequence. 

His Striding Out talk to students, parents, siblings and staff, provided fascinating and exciting insight into what is in store and how we can future-proof ourselves for jobs and careers ahead.  Craig had two messages: "Opportunity. If you have a smart phone and an idea, you can create a micro multinational business and build a global audience. The barriers to entry have never been lower."

And above all: "Creativity - in this age of science and technology and STEM subjects, is as important, if not more important than all of those things... All of us need to navigate in a world that is changing ever more rapidly. Your ability to stay agile, adapt to that, treat learning as a lifelong thing, turn your attention to different things... imagine a future and go and create it... are superpowers. Think about that creative side of your brain: sing, dance, play an instrument, draw. Even if you don't go on to become a creative with a capital C, you'll need that muscle in whatever you do." 

So, music (pun intended) to our WHS ears, with our focus on STEAM and the amazing results that come from collaborating across curriculum subjects and encouraging a life full of wonder and creativity! 

Our Sixth Form computer science students had the chance to quiz Craig beforehand and there was plenty of time for questions at the end of the talk too.

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Skills for our tech age - tips from Google UK's Director of Strategy