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Statement from Wimbledon High School

Statement from Wimbledon High School
Whole School

Statement from Wimbledon High School GDST

We have been saddened to read testimonials of students across the country of gendered violence, the coercion and fear that young people have experienced. As a school our first priority is always the welfare of our students. We have always been open with them and encouraged our community to challenge head on cultural and societal issues that affect them and others. We are proud of the courage and solidarity our girls show.

Wimbledon High School GDST has for years worked with organisations such as the RAP Project to shine a light on the darker areas of teens' party culture, of misogynistic attitudes towards women and towards those who identify as LGBTQ+. Unacceptable behaviour on and offline has not been widely called out until now and it seems it has perniciously continued to worsen.

If the upsetting experiences these testimonials recount, the turbulence and pain that accompanies them, help to bring about long-term change and, in the short-term, a dialogue that will help the amazing young people whom all of us working in schools are proud to know, then there is cause for optimism for the future. 

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Statement from Wimbledon High School