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Supporting Ukraine

Supporting Ukraine

We believe it is hugely important we offer our assistance to all those who are suffering as a result of conflict. Our aim is to support the huge humanitarian and charitable effort in assisting those who find themselves far from home and with their lives irretrievably changed.  

As a community we have drawn together to ensure that we can support as wide a base as possible and have taken three main routes to our donations. Firstly, we have encouraged families to donate via our Jumblebee account to Save the Children and UNICEF’s emergency appeals, both charities are working to ensure that children and their families who have been forced to flee their homes are offered shelter, food, and clean water supplies. Thanks to the generosity of our students and parents we have already raised just under £1000.

Secondly, during our Spring Giving assembly on Tuesday, we will be collecting donations including first aid kits, thermal clothing and nappies and dressings for children of different ages to be transported to the Poland / Ukraine border and the refugee camps found there via the White Eagle Club.

Thirdly and most directly, Wimbledon High parents have with the support of friends and neighbours organised for essential supplies and medical equipment to be sent to the Ukrainian border: “We set up a group of volunteers to deliver humanitarian aid and medical supplies to hospitals, maternity wards and orphanages in Ukraine.” (Read more on the Mirror). Other WHS families have been involved in driving out of commission ambulances with these supplies to the border. Their Just Giving page is still open for donations.

Hopefully with these three different strands of charitable aid and the support of our wider school community, we will be able to make even a small difference to some of those who are facing the unimaginable challenges of displacement and conflict.

Mrs Anderson, Charities, Partnerships & SHINE Co-ordinator 

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Supporting Ukraine